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How to get Metadata / versions for sub-properties / TwinCollection?

I´m using the Azure IoT SDK for Java DeviceTwin functionality. On calling startDeviceTwin(), I receive the reported and desired properties once in the TwinPropertyCallBack.

However, inside of the Property sent, I can only get the version of the 'root node', not for the sub-properties or TwinCollections (they are all null). On Azure Portal, I can clearly see that all of them have their own versions in the metadata section of the JSON. Example:

  "properties": {
    "desired": {
      "Broadcast": {
        "0": {
          "Scene": 2,
          "Brightness": 13
      "$metadata": {
        "$lastUpdated": "2020-12-01T07:53:53.0372127Z",
        "$lastUpdatedVersion": 17,
        "Broadcast": {
          "0": {
            "$lastUpdated": "2020-12-01T07:53:53.0372127Z",
            "$lastUpdatedVersion": 17,
            "Scene": {
              "$lastUpdated": "2020-12-01T07:53:53.0372127Z",
              "$lastUpdatedVersion": 17
            "Brightness": {
              "$lastUpdated": "2020-12-01T07:28:08.5730028Z",
              "$lastUpdatedVersion": 15
          "$lastUpdated": "2020-12-01T07:53:53.0372127Z",
          "$lastUpdatedVersion": 17
      "$version": 17

How can I receive these versions for the nested TwinCollections? Is it some configuration or is it just not supported currently?

In the above example, I want to prevent re-processing of the Brightness value, as my local state is already at 'Version 15'.


  • Related Github issue posted at:Azure/azure-iot-sdk-java/issue

    Below is the response from MicrosoftTeam.

    The service does not send that metadata to devices by design. It is only available to service clients who request for a device's twin. In general, you will need to rely on the overall version of the document for concurrency protection.

    Please comment below if you need further help in this matter.