I am trying to create docker-compose config with Ansible. I am using Jinja2 template for this.
Here is part of jinja template code:
image: {% if version == "4.2" %}appname:4.2.0{% elif version == "4.0.5" %}dockerhub2:10000/appname:4.0.5{% else %}dockerhub2:10000/appname3:3.0.14{% endif %}
container_name: {{ dir }}
What I expect to see:
image: dockerhub2:10000/appname3:3.0.14
container_name: name
What I really see:
image: dockerhub2:10000/appname3:3.0.14 container_name: name
How can I describe a newline here?
Put endif on the next line. Quoting from Whitespace Control
"a single trailing newline is stripped if present"
image: {% if version == "4.2" %}appname:4.2.0{% elif version == "4.0.5" %}dockerhub2:10000/appname:4.0.5{% else %}dockerhub2:10000/appname3:3.0.14
{% endif %}
container_name: {{ dir }}
FWIW, you can simplify the template (and make the case easily extendible too)
image: {{ image[ver] }}
container_name: {{ dir }}
if you put the data into the dictionary
'4.2': 'appname:4.2.0'
'4.0.5': 'dockerhub2:10000/appname:4.0.5'
default: 'dockerhub2:10000/appname3:3.0.14'
ver: "{{ (version in image.keys())|ternary(version, 'default') }}"
Credit @mdaniel; the template below gives the same result
image: {{ image.get(version, image.get('default')) }}
container_name: {{ dir }}