What is wrong in this code? In debug console shown write sql code, but for some reason it doesn't work
Future<void> _toggleTodoItem(TodoItem todo) async {
final int count = await this._db.rawUpdate(
/*sql=*/ '''
UPDATE $kDbTableName
SET content = ${todo.content},
SET number = ${todo.number}
WHERE id = ${todo.id};''');
print('Updated $count records in db.');
There is an error
E/SQLiteLog( 7167): (1) near "SET": syntax error in "UPDATE example1_tbl
E/SQLiteLog( 7167): SET content = n,
E/SQLiteLog( 7167): SET number = 1
E/SQLiteLog( 7167): WHERE id = 7;"
E/flutter ( 7167): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(177)] Unhandled Exception: DatabaseException(near "SET": syntax error (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: UPDATE example1_tbl
E/flutter ( 7167): SET content = n,
E/flutter ( 7167): SET number = 1
E/flutter ( 7167): WHERE id = 7;) sql ' UPDATE example1_tbl
E/flutter ( 7167): SET content = n,
E/flutter ( 7167): SET number = 1
E/flutter ( 7167): WHERE id = 7;' args []}
"UPDATE" syntax doesn't look like that (https://sqlite.org/lang_update.html). You want:
UPDATE example1_tbl SET content = 'n', number = 1 WHERE id = 7
And you should also be using parameters (https://github.com/tekartik/sqflite/blob/master/sqflite/doc/sql.md#parameters). Don't use text inserted into .rawUpdate unless you want to be subject to Bobby Tables attacks (https://bobby-tables.com).