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SABRE RedWeb Installation / Getting Started

I did the basic installation of the SabreRedWeb-SDK-20.11.6 and then clicked on the ConciergeInstaller-5.7.0-1.0.4.exe and it seems to have installed properly. The web instructions found here don't match the video.

Web Instructions (I'm following the Concierge install section)

Video Explanation here...

At 1:45 of the video they mention doing a ngv...

Well, I assume I do that in the node installation which by default was put here... C:\Program Files\Concierge\node

But when I do ngv when running node.exe Thrown:

ReferenceError: ngv is not defined

I'm thinking I need to be running the concierge tool itself and not node directly.


  • You use a command prompt to do the ngv build etc...

    Thereafter I am using Visual Studio Code and everytime I save the files the terminal does the save and "re-build" or I suppose it is "re-run".