I'm using Gmaps4rails to display a map of properties.
The properties model has an associating photo model. Does anybody know how I could implement an associated photo into an info window. My info window method at the moment is as below.
def gmaps4rails_infowindow
"<strong> #{self.reference} </strong><br /> #{self.bedrooms} bedroom #{self.p_type}<br /> <a href='http://www.crescentlettings.co.uk/properties/#{id}'>See more details</a> "
It's pretty straight:
def gmaps4rails_infowindow
"<img src='#{self.photo.url}'><strong> #{self.reference} </strong><br /> #{self.bedrooms} bedroom #{self.p_type}<br /> <a href='http://www.crescentlettings.co.uk/properties/#{id}'>See more details</a> "