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LightGBM on RPi 4B Ubuntu fails to load model

I am using Julia 1.5 on a raspberry pi 4b 8GB running Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit. I had created a lightGBM model on my Windows laptop and saved the model to a file. This loads fine on my windows laptop and executes properly. But when I am trying to load it in Raspberry PI, I get below error. I checked and found that the /home/pi/.julia/packages/LightGBM/My6MK/src/ file exists. I have tried to remove the LightGBM Package and add it back again. But issue still persists. Please let me know if you need more details.

loadmodel(estimator, "/home/pi/softwares/julia/lightgbmModel.jld2")
ERROR: could not load library "/home/pi/.julia/packages/LightGBM/My6MK/src/"
/home/pi/.julia/packages/LightGBM/My6MK/src/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 [1] LGBM_BoosterCreateFromModelfile(::String) at /home/pi/.julia/packages/LightGBM/My6MK/src/wrapper.jl:101
 [2] loadmodel(::LGBMClassification, ::String) at /home/pi/.julia/packages/LightGBM/My6MK/src/utils.jl:72
 [3] top-level scope at REPL[16]:1


  • I had a similar problem building .Net project on MacOs and then running on Raspberry PI 4. It looks like the library '' distributed with NuGet package manager works with other Linux distributions but it is not the right library for Raspberry.

    I compiled '' on Raspberry using

    git clone --recursive ; cd LightGBM
    mkdir build ; cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j4

    and then manually copied the compiled library '' into your project directory (replace the existing one). That worked for me.