I use pinvoke implementations of LookupAccountSid
in managed C# code for several years.
On a German Windows Server 2016
it starts throwing an System.AccessViolationException
when resolving S-1-5-11
(Authenticated users) where the German name is: "NT-Authorität\Authentifizierte Benutzer".
I tested 3 different impementations to rule out an pinvoke error. They all throw at the same call.
They all throw the same exception so it may be a general problem in the api. Probably because of the umlaut Ä
in the name?
Similar question at SO
This question sounds similar but this is not the problem I face.
My expirience in earlier projects
I used the implementation from (2.) years ago in a Windodws 7 / Server 2008 environment without any problems, but unfortunatelly I currently have no such systems to verify my recent code.
Similar reported issue
I found this thread regarding a similar behaviour on a french system
My current workaround is
ntAccountName = realSid.Translate(typeof(NTAccount)).ToString();
AdvApi32.LookupAccountName(systemName, ntAccountName, out foundSid, out domainName, out sidNameUse)
But sid.Translate(..) throws when passing a foreign principal an I don't know how reliable it is in other cases.
can't be uses because the do not return the SID_NAME_USE flags)I wrote the following, using the Vanara libraries and @RbMm's comments, to mimic the LookupAccountSid
functionality using LsaLookupSids
private static NTStatus LookupAccountSid2([Optional] string lpSystemName, PSID lpSid, out string lpName,
out string lpReferencedDomainName, out SID_NAME_USE peUse)
lpName = lpReferencedDomainName = null;
peUse = default;
using var pol = LsaOpenPolicy(LsaPolicyRights.POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES, lpSystemName);
var ret = LsaLookupSids2(pol, LsaLookupSidsFlags.LSA_LOOKUP_RETURN_LOCAL_NAMES, 1, new[] { lpSid }, out var refDom, out var names);
if (ret.Failed) return ret;
using (refDom)
using (names)
lpReferencedDomainName = refDom.ToStructure<LSA_REFERENCED_DOMAIN_LIST>().DomainList.First().Name;
var name = names.ToArray<LSA_TRANSLATED_NAME>(1)[0];
lpName = name.Name;
peUse = name.Use;
return ret;