I have a working function using loop, that works fine, in the example code I have, there are 4 CSV files, but it could go to 40 or more CSV files.
I want to run this Python file on schedule (once,twice, or more daily), so I want to add another loop that when next time Python file runs, it reads CSV file from where it was left off. (row 3 to 6 in this example) for all CSV files, again the next time it runs, it starts from where it was left off ( row 6 t 9 in this example) and so on for all CSV files., of course this range is an example,
I am not sure if this is doable or not, I can not figure it out how to do that, appreciate your help.
here is the code I have:
from abc.zzz import xyz
path_id_map = [
{'path':'file1.csv', 'id': '12345678'},
{'path':'file2.csv', 'id': '44556677'}
{'path':'file3.csv', 'id': '33377799'}
{'path':'file4.csv', 'id': '66221144'}]
s_id = None
for pair in path_id_map:
with open(pair['path'], 'r') as f:
for i in range(0, 3):
zzz.func1(id_1=f.readline().rstrip(), B_id=pair['id'], s_id=s_id)
If you want to remember the exeution state of a program, you need to store any of these variables somewhere. In the example below I've used a plain and simple text file, but it could be a database or any other form of persistent storage.
To help make things easier to change and adapt, you should break to program down into small functions that accomplish one task.
def read_range(pair, start_line, end_line):
with open(pair['path'], 'r') as f:
line_counter = 0
for line in f:
if line_counter >= start_line and line_counter < end_line:
zzz.func1(id_1=f.readline().rstrip(), B_id=pair['id'], s_id=s_id)
elif line_counter >= end_line:
line_counter = line_counter + 1
def read_start_number():
lines = open("save.txt", 'r').readlines()
except FileNotFoundError:
lines = read_start_number()
return lines[0]
def write_start_number(line_number):
with open('save.txt', 'w') as f:
path_id_map = [
{'path':'file1.csv', 'id': '12345678'},
{'path':'file2.csv', 'id': '44556677'}
{'path':'file3.csv', 'id': '33377799'}
{'path':'file4.csv', 'id': '66221144'}]
s_id = None
start_number = int(read_start_number())
for pair in path_id_map:
read_range(pair, start_number, start_number + 3)