Is there any way to call call function two times with different argument.Am using the below code
Have two arguments like below
let dummybody1: any = {
Product : "New Product",
let dummybody2: any = {
Product : "New Node",
Edit 1
addDetailsClick(): void {
let body: any = {
Product : this.actualselectedprod,
if(this.actualselectedprod == "New Product")
body.Product = this.newProductName;
body.HealthURL = this.healthEndPoint;
if(this.actualselectedipAddress == "New Node")
body.Ipaddress = this.newIPAddress;
let obs = this.cmnService.addEditNodeDetails(body);
obs.subscribe(data => {
console.log('success', data)
this.addNodeMessage = "Successfully Added/Edited Node details";
error => {
console.log('oops', error)
this.addNodeMessage = "Failed to Add/Edit Node details";
beforeEach(() => {
spyOn(service,'addDetails').and.callFake(function(dummybody1) {
return of('success')
it('should be able to click add/new button', () => {
result = component.addNewNodeButtonClick();
expect(component.addNodeMessage).toEqual("Successfully Added/Edited Node details");
Am trying to write a test for the method addDetailsClick()
with argument as dummybody1.
Tried to add another spy method inside beforeEach for dummybody2
beforeEach(() => {
spyOn(service,'addDetails').and.callFake(function(dummybody1) {
return of('success')
spyOn(service,'addDetails').and.callFake(function(dummybody) {
return of('success')
getting an error
How can i do similer method having argument `dummybody2.
I believe you're thinking about this from the wrong direction. I see 2 issues:
If you look at your syntax and go back to your basic JavaScript fundamentals you're not actually passing a payload at all. You're defining a function. What you name the parameter doesn't make any difference.
spyOn(service,'addDetails').and.callFake(function(dummybody) {
return of('success')
This is going to call that fake on anything that comes into addDetails - dummybody in this case is a variable declaration and will become whatever you call service.addDetails(...)
but you're mocking addDetails