I am trying to create a function to check a given string time HH:mm is in range of another comparing to now.
Example: if the current hour is between 12:35 and 15:00 return true
But I always got false even if the current time is in range..
fun isTimeInRange(before: String, after: String): Boolean {
val now = DateTime.now()
val format = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm")
return now >= DateTime.parse(before, format) && now <= DateTime.parse(after, format)
You have to set before/after date to today's date. try this:
fun isTimeInRange(start: String, end: String): Boolean {
val now = DateTime.now()
val format = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm")
val startTime: LocalTime = format.parseLocalTime(start)
val endTime: LocalTime = format.parseLocalTime(end)
val timeZone = DateTimeZone.getDefault()
val today: LocalDate = LocalDate.now(timeZone)
val startMoment: DateTime = today.toLocalDateTime(startTime).toDateTime(timeZone)
val endMoment: DateTime = today.toLocalDateTime(endTime).toDateTime(timeZone)
return now.isAfter(startMoment) && now.isBefore(endMoment)