I have 3 collision layers:
My nodes are colliding well, but when my Player collides with the Coin or the Enemy i can't differentiate between the two of them. Normally i would do this by setting collision groups but if the layers are already set it may be easier to check the layer.
Posible solution using groups
func _on_Player_area_entered(area):
if area.is_in_group('enemies'):
if area.is_in_group('coins'):
How can i get the Coin and the Enemy collision layers programmatically when they collide with Player?
I think the best way is to just do what you suggested: Put the coins and enemies in their own Node groups then do is_in_group
checks in your collision code.
If you want to avoid Node groups, another way of achieving this is creating a separate Area2D
node in your Player scene that will only collide with coins while the other Area2D
collides with enemies.