I am trying to create a combined graph using HighCharts in a swift iOS project. The function for creating the graph is as follows.
private func createBUGraph()
let chartView = HIChartView(frame: self.chartHolderViewOutlet.bounds)
let options = HIOptions()
let title = HITitle()
title.text = "UTS"
options.title = title
let subtitle = HISubtitle()
subtitle.text = "Sales & Margin"
options.subtitle = subtitle
let xAxis = HIXAxis()
xAxis.categories = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]//
options.xAxis = [xAxis]
let yAxis = HIYAxis()
//yAxis.min = 0
yAxis.title = HITitle()
yAxis.title.text = "Sales"
yAxis.lineWidth = 1
let y2Axis = HIYAxis()
y2Axis.title = HITitle()
y2Axis.title.text = "Margin"
y2Axis.lineWidth = 1
y2Axis.tickPositions = [5,10,15,20]
y2Axis.opposite = true
options.yAxis = [yAxis,y2Axis]
let Sales = HIColumn()
Sales.name = "Sales"
Sales.data = [3, 2, 1, 3]
let SalesForecast = HIColumn()
SalesForecast.name = "Sales Forecast"
SalesForecast.data = 2, 3, 5, 7]
let Margin = HISeries()
Margin.name = "Margin"
Margin.data = [2.5, 1.2, 8.5, 5.5]
Margin.marker = HIMarker()
Margin.marker.lineWidth = 2
Margin.marker.symbol = "circle"
let MarginForeast = HISeries()
MarginForeast.name = "Margin Foreast"
MarginForeast.data = [3, 2.67, 3, 6.33] //
MarginForeast.marker = HIMarker()
MarginForeast.marker.lineWidth = 2
MarginForeast.marker.symbol = "circle"
options.series = [Sales, SalesForecast, Margin, MarginForeast]
chartView.options = options
The graph is drawing but I am stuck at the following issues
I tried to look for solution in highcharts documentation but I could not find any which will give me a solution.
y2Axis.tickPositions = [5,10,15,20]
series.yAxis = 1