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How to Change the Logo in a Laravel Jetstream Application

I am new to Laravel and am trying to change the logo in a Laravel application with Jetstream and Inertia.

I have gone over the documentation as well as resources on Laracasts and understand that I need to update the svg (or can use a png/jpg etc by using the html img tag) in the following files:

  • application-logo.blade.php
  • authentication-card-logo.blade.php
  • application-mark.blade.php

The Logo is referenced in AppLayout.vue via a jet-application-mark element:

<div class="flex-shrink-0 flex items-center">
    <inertia-link :href="route('dashboard')">
        <jet-application-mark class="block h-9 w-auto" />

As well as a jet-application-logo element in the Welcome.vue:

    <jet-application-logo class="block h-12 w-auto" />

In each of the files listed above I replaced the svg with an html img to a resource:

<img src="{{ asset('images/enhanced-logo.png') }}" />

After changing the files above and rebuilding, the original Jetstream logo remains - the only place that it is working is in login.blade.php, the following code does pull in the image that I want:

<x-slot name="logo">
    <x-jet-authentication-card-logo />

Any direction as to what I am doing wrong would be appreciated.


  • To change logo in a Laravel Jetstream application:

    The authentication views in a Jetstream application, regardless of the stack are simple blade views common for both stacks. To change the logo for authentication views edit resources/views/vendor/jetstream/components/authentication-card-logo.blade.php

    <a href="/">
        //Replace the default svg with your own logo svg or an image
        <img src="custom/logo.png" />

    Then depending upon the stack

    Inertia stack

    Replace the default logo with your own custom logo in

    • resources/js/Jetstream/ApplicationLogo.vue
    • resources/js/Jetstream/ApplicationMark.vue


        //Replace the default svg with your own logo svg or an image
        <img src="custom/logo.png" />

    Livewire stack

    Replace the default logo with your own custom logo in

    • resources/views/vendor/jetstream/components/application-logo.blade.php
    • resources/views/vendor/jetstream/components/application-mark.blade.php


    //Replace the default svg with your own logo svg or an image
    <img src="custom/logo.png" />