I have 2 ADO repositories - Repo1 & Repo2
Repo1 is set as a submodule in Repo2
[submodule "Repo1"]
path = Repo1
url = https://xyz.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/abc/_git/Repo1
Let's say I made a change in Repo1 and a new commit is added to 'test' branch (NOT 'master' branch).
I need to get that commit in the submodule in Repo2.
When I tried:
git clone <url-of-Repo2>
cd Repo1
git submodule update --init --recursive
I only see latest commit from 'master' branch not 'test' branch. How can I get latest commit from 'test' branch to submodule?
Do your submodule updates in the repos using the submodules, not in the submodules themselves.
git -C Repo1 checkout test
and if you want to add/commit it, do that,
git commit -am "Update Repo1 to its 'test' branch tip"