So I currently working on file compression so to compress the file I am converting my string of ints using huffman encoding
1000011011010100011010100010001101111001001111010011000011011100001010010110011011 1001110011111000010110110101111111
to bit set like this :
int i = 0;
while (i < str.length())
bitset<8>set(str.substr(i, i + 7));
outputFile << char(set.to_ulong());
i = i + 8;
when I am retrieving the contents of that file I cant figure out how to convert it back to a string of ints. Once i get back the string of ints I can retrieve the original contents I encoded its just getting the string back thats the problem
If I correctly understand your question here is what you can do to perform a reversed operation:
constexpr int bits_num = sizeof(unsigned char) * CHAR_BIT; //somewhere upper in the file
std::string outputStr;
unsigned char c;
while (inputFile.get(c)) //the simplest function to read "character by character"
std::bitset<bits_num> bset(c); //initialize bitset with a char value
outputStr += bset.to_string(); //append to output string
Of course I assume that inputFile
stream you will declare and set up for yourself.
sizeof(unsigned char) * CHAR_BIT
is an elegant way of expressing a number of bits in a variables's type (like here unsigned char
). To use the constant CHAR_BIT
(which is basically 8
on all modern architectures) add #include <climits>
You have also an error in your code:
bitset<8>set(str.substr(i, i + 7));
You're increasing the cut out substring each iteration (i + 7
), change it simply to 8
(or better and less error-prone to the suggested constant):
constexpr int bits_num = sizeof(unsigned char) * CHAR_BIT;
std::bitset<bits_num> set( str.substr(i, bits_num) );
outputFile << static_cast<unsigned char>( set.to_ulong() );
i += bits_num;