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Finding Top-100 of a given year from a mysql table with scrobbles

I imported to a MariaDB table a CSV file generated by this tool with all my scrobbles, the CREATE script is the following:

CREATE TABLE `scrobbles` (
    `artist` VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT '',
    `album` VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT '',
    `title` VARCHAR(128) NULL DEFAULT '',
    `datahora` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

I want to know how can i get the most executed tracks (basically the title+artist combo most repeating) of a given year, ordered by the number of plays/scrobbles of each track.


  • If you want this for a single year, you can aggregate, sort and limit:

    select artist, album, title, count(*) cnt
    from scrobbles
    where datahora >= '2019-01-01' and datahora < '2020-01-01'
    group by artist, album, title
    order by count(*) desc limit 100

    I added the album to the group by clause, as one might expect homonym titles across different albums.

    If you want this for multiple years at once, then I would recommend window functions:

    select *
    from (
        select artist, album, title, year(datahora) yr, count(*) cnt,
            rank() over(partition by year(datahora) order by count(*) desc) rn
        from scrobbles
        group by artist, album, title
    ) t
    where rn <= 100
    order by yr, cnt desc

    Another benfit of this approach is that it allows bottom ties; it might return more than 100 rows per year if there happened to be ties in the last position.