I wanted to call the x and y point from a the class point and implement it in the class rectangle so that i would input x,y,w,h and it would print a point(x,y) with a certain height and width and also print an area.
an example of what it is supposed to produce is
Rectangle at(3,2) with height = 2 width = 1 , area = 2
however, I kept getting this error on line 22:
result += str(self._X)+ ',' + str(self._Y) + ')'
AttributeError: 'rectangle' object has no attribute '_X'
This the current code I had:
import math
import sys
import stdio
class Point(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self._X = x
self._Y = y
class rectangle:
def __init__(self,x,y, w, h):
self._h = h
self._w = w
def area(self):
a = self._h * self._w
return a
def __str__(self):
result = 'Rectangle at('
result += str(self._X)+ ',' + str(self._Y) + ')'
result += ' with height = ' + str(self._h)
result += ' width = ' + str(self._w)
result += ' , area = ' + str(self.area())
return result
def main():
x = int(input(sys.argv[0]))
y = int(input(sys.argv[0]))
w = int(input(sys.argv[0]))
h = int(input(sys.argv[0]))
rect = rectangle(x,y,w,h)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I think you meant to create a Point in your rectangle:
class rectangle:
def __init__(self,x,y, w, h):
self.point = Point(x, y)
self._h = h
self._w = w
def area(self):
a = self._h * self._w
return a
def __str__(self):
result = 'Rectangle at('
result += str(self.point._X)+ ',' + str(self.point._Y) + ')'
result += ' with height = ' + str(self._h)
result += ' width = ' + str(self._w)
result += ' , area = ' + str(self.area())
return result