I work a lot with HTML & CSS for Web Development, and I've only recently transitioned to Python for software development. I've done some of the basics with Python, my proudest moment being I programmed a calculator through Python using the TKinter, but I'm going to be honest with you it's quite ugly. I know how to change the foreground and background color, but that's about it. I was sort of hoping there was a way to style Python like you would style HTML with CSS. Is something like this possible?
I don't know if this is too broad of a question, but I really just need some sort of answer. Even a link to some sort of YouTube video to get me down the right path would be nice. I would also like to learn how to do other GUI style's like transitions, hover effects, and keyframes, but that's for another question.
Inside of python your options are quite less, but never none. You have options starting from ttk
from tkinter
, which uses your OS native widgets and with ttkthemes
you can get more themes for tkinter
. But if you are planning to go on for a more modern GUI, using HTML, CSS and JS, then you do have Eel
for python. There is also a python wrapper for Qt
, PyQt
which also provides powerful GUI toolkit. And also Kivy
which can also give you some kind of modern looks. Using tkinter
is mainly for simple projects and it has its own limitations. But one of the limitation is your imagination and designing skill, for example here is a GUI I made with tkinter
It does not look top of the mark or anything, but it kind of looks better than the traditional looks you get out of the box.