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Q: OAuth2 for Imgur giving me over capacity status 500 error

I am trying to follow a tutorial for an image upload application For Vue.js however I am unable to authenticate with OAuth2 for Imgur. I am following exactly what the imgur API docs instructions are on how to implement it so I'm pretty sure my code is correct.

The response I'm getting after I get forwarded to and I click allow application is below: (FOR THIS EXAMPLE I DID REMOVE MY CLIENT_ID)

{"data":{"error":"Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later."},"success":false,"status":500}

The response I am supposed to get back is a redirect URL callback with the access_token However instead of getting that I get the error.

I know what status 500 is and I know it means it's a server error and there is nothing I can do on my end and its on Imgur's side.

Has anyone encountered this problem before and how was it resolved?


  • I know what status 500 is and I know it means it's a server error and there is nothing I can do on my end and its on Imgur's side.

    You are completely right here. We unfortunately experienced a bug on our side that was to blame. The good news however is that the bug has since been resolved!

    Going to<client_id>&response_type=<resp_type>&state=<string> should now redirect you to the consent page, followed by callback URL configured for the application with access_token, expires_in (and others) in query strings as described in the documentation.