I'd like to be able to numerically differentiate and integrate arrays in Python. I am aware that there are functions for this in numpy and scipy. I am noticing an offset however, when integrating.
As an example, I start with an initial function, y=cos(x).
I then take the derivative using numpy.gradient. It works as expected (plots as -sin(x)):
When I integrate the derivative with scipy.cumtrapz, I expect to get back the initial function. However, there is some offset. I realize that the integral of -sin(x) is cos(x)+constant, so is the constant not accounted for with cumtrapz numerical integration?
My concern is, if you have some arbitrary signal, and did not know the initial/boundary conditions, will the +constant term be unaccounted for with cumtrapz? Is there a solution for this with cumtrapz?
The code I used is as follows:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import integrate
x = np.linspace(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi,100)
y = np.cos(x) #starting function
dydx = np.gradient(y, x) #derivative of function
dydx_int = integrate.cumtrapz(dydx, x, initial = 0) #integral of derivative
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y)
ax.plot(x, dydx)
ax.plot(x, dydx_int)
ax.legend(['y = cos(x)', 'dydx = d/dx(cos(x))', 'y = int(dydx)'])
, cumsum()
and similar do what they state they do: summing the input array cumulatively. If the summed array starts with 0 as with your input array (dydx
), the first element at the summed array is also zero.
To fix it in your code, you should add the offset to the cumulated sum:
dydx_int = dydx_int + y[0]
But for the general question about initial conditions of an integral:
My concern is, if you have some arbitrary signal, and did not know the initial/boundary conditions, will the +constant term be unaccounted for with cumtrapz? Is there a solution for this with cumtrapz?
Well, if you don't know the initial/boundry condition, cumtrapz won't know either... Your question doesn't quite make sense..