I branched from master
to feature1
and from feature1
to feature2
. But I actually wanted to branch both features off of master
. I tried git rebase master
but that just yields Current branch feature2 is up to date.
Why doesn't it work as I expect it to?
How can I rebase feature2 to branch off of master?
git init
echo "masterstuff" >> file.txt
git add file.txt && git commit -m "initial commit"
git checkout -b feature1
echo "branch1 specific" >> file.txt
git add file.txt && git commit -m "start of feature1"
git checkout -b feature2
echo "feature2 specific" >> file.txt
git add file.txt && git commit -m "start of feature2"
Now I have
* [master] -- * [feature1] -- * [feature2]
and want
* [master] -- * [feature1]
\- * [feature2]
Assume exactly the "narrative" you have given:
git init
echo "masterstuff" >> file.txt
git add file.txt && git commit -m "initial commit"
git checkout -b feature1
echo "branch1 specific" >> file.txt
git add file.txt && git commit -m "start of feature1"
git checkout -b feature2
echo "feature2 specific" >> file.txt
git add file.txt && git commit -m "start of feature2"
At the point where you leave off your "narrative", where you are still on feature2
, you would next say:
git rebase --onto master feature1
You will then (for this particular "narrative") have a conflict to resolve! Resolve it (perhaps by editing file.txt manually), and then
git add file.txt
git rebase --continue
* 72395ff (HEAD -> feature2) start of feature2
| * b59e979 (feature1) start of feature1
* 2ab1296 (master) initial commit