I was trying to add categories to products. I want to do it with a couple of tables between items and categories. I made a function in my controller to send it to the database. However, when I want to send it, I get the following error, and I don't know I can fix it.
Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::does not exist
public function store(ItemsValidatorRequest $request)
$items_id = Item::select('items_id')->latest()->get();
$item = Item::find($items_id);
public function categories()
return $this->BelongsToMany('App\Models\Category');
The $items_id
would be an array of ids, so the Item::find($items_id)
would return collection
of Items that each Item has categories. So try to use each
higher order messages:
$items_id = Item::select('items_id')->latest()->get();
$items = Item::find($items_id);
or simply:
$items = Item::latest()->get();