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My mac app does not change its language even after changing the Development Region on Xcode

I'm developing a mac app and I could not change the development language even though I changed the parameter on project.pbxproj.

        developmentRegion = en;
        hasScannedForEncodings = 0;
        knownRegions = (

However, the app always runs with Japanese localization. The Xcode shows that English is the current development language and I made sure I have all the English's localization file on the project.

I also tried Chinese and Korean but it still did not change from Japanese. I just changed to use Base language today and everything started to not work properly...

So how can I change it to any language but Japanese?


  • On macOS app, you change the localization language from Edit Scheme -> Run -> App Language, which is located under the app name on the status bar. It is irrelevant to change the content on project.pbxproj.

    enter image description here


    Hmmm.. this seems to not work in French for some reasons. But it works in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.