I have this front-page.php page in my site and I want to put a block code directly in the php page. So I got a div and I want to put it in there. But the code is like
<!-- wp:latest-posts {"postsToShow":3,"displayPostContent":true,"excerptLength":30,"displayPostDate":true,"postLayout":"grid","displayFeaturedImage":true,"featuredImageSizeSlug":"large","align":"wide","className":"tw-mt-8 tw-img-ratio-3-2 tw-stretched-link is-style-default"} /-->
It's from a widget. I coudn't make it work please help :D
You can insert block code into any php template by using the function do_blocks()
and passing in (valid) block content as a string, eg:
$block_content = '<!-- wp:latest-posts {"postsToShow":3,"displayPostContent":true,"excerptLength":30,"displayPostDate":true,"postLayout":"grid","displayFeaturedImage":true,"featuredImageSizeSlug":"large","align":"wide","className":"tw-mt-8 tw-img-ratio-3-2 tw-stretched-link is-style-default"} /-->';
echo do_blocks($block_content);