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JBoss Fuse with microservises

I am a beginner , I have a task about j Boss fuse I spent the last week trying to learn about it but still confused with it

I have several question :

1- how j boss fuse is different from camel with real example please? 2- how j boss fuse is useful for microservices ? 3- difference between j boss fuse and j boss fuse EAP ? 4- how to use j boss fuse with spring boot if that is possible and if their is a better option ?


  • You'll do better with a single, focused question.

    1- how j boss fuse is different from camel with real example please?

    Fuse is a Red Hat/JBOSS offering for service integration. Camel is part of the implementation, like the documentation says.

    2- how j boss fuse is useful for microservices ?

    It might be useful if you are committed to using JBOSS, but I think there are other alternatives: Mule Soft, API gateways, etc. I would rather leave JBOSS out of it and deploy Spring Boot without it. Why would you need JBOSS when you're using Spring Boot? What benefit is it giving you? That's the whole point of Spring/Spring Boot: getting away from Java EE.

    3- difference between j boss fuse and j boss fuse EAP ?

    EAP stands for "Enterprise Application Platform". That's the Java EE app server that's been around for a long time. You could deploy your microservices on JBOSS EAP instances and integrate them together using Fuse.

    4- how to use j boss fuse with spring boot if that is possible and if their is a better option ?

    You would use Spring Boot to implement your micro services, deploy them as WAR files on JBOSS EAP, and integrate them using Fuse.

    Yes, there are better options. I would recommend Spring Boot without JBOSS. No need for a Java EE app server; deploy them as executable JAR files running on a JVM. I would prefer to stay away from Red Hat and deploy on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.