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How to stream the video using VLC-QT wrapper

I want to stream the video using RTSP, HTTP and UDP as they are supported by vlc. I am using Qt5 and as Qt don't have that much good media libraries so I go for open source and now using libvlc through VLC-Qt wrapper.

I am able to receive the stream videos in my program, The source code for receiving the streaming video is given below

void player::on_actionNETWORK_STREAM_triggered()
    QString url= QInputDialog::getText(this,tr("Open Url"),tr("Enter the URL you want to play"));

        m_media=new VlcMedia(url,m_instance);

To receive the streaming video I just put the url of that video into the new VlcMedia instance but don't know how to stream a video.

While reading the documentation of the VLC-QT wrapper I read that it have one class named VlcVideoStream but I am not getting how to use that class to do the streaming. The link of the documentation of this class is given below


I searched on the internet more about this thing then I found some discussion of how to use VlcVideoStream and I have implemented the code for that. The source code is given below

class VideoStreaming : public VlcVideoStream
    explicit VideoStreaming(QObject *parent = nullptr);

    void frameUpdated();
void VideoStreaming::frameUpdated()
    int rows,cols;
    std::shared_ptr<const VlcAbstractVideoFrame>  frame=  renderFrame();
    if (!frame)
        return; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE

    rows = frame->height + frame->height/2;
    cols = frame->width;
    qDebug()<<"Frame updated gets called";

and instantiate it with the following line

    m_video_stream= new VideoStreaming(ui->m_video);

Now I am able to receive the YUV frames of the video but don't know how to stream the video till now. Any help is appreciated. Even I am open to the pure libvlc streaming solution as VLC-QT wrapper is not that much good wrapper to support video streaming.


  • I just use the setOption() function of VlcMedia to set the streaming attributes and it works.

        m_media = new VlcMedia("file:///home/vinay/Media Library/lion-sample.webm",m_instance);

    Those string arguments are taken from the vlc application. When we stream the video through vlc application, In the last window it show all of these parameters which you set. So i just copy those parameters and passed it as an argument to the setOption() and It works.

    You can read my detailed discussion of this topic in this link