I have this scenario. Basically I want to log in with certain roles and then enumerate through the table of values at a point in my test to see if they are all viewable.
Scenario Outline: View something with user.
Given I navigate to the application with "<Role>"
When I view something for "<SubRole>"
Then all things should be viewable for "<SubRole>"
| Sequence | Things |
| 1 | thing1 |
| 2 | thing2 |
| 3 | thing3 |
| 4 | thing4 |
| Role | SubRole|
| System role| user1 |
[Then(@"all things should be viewable for ""(.*)""")]
public void ThenAllThingsShouldBeViewableFor(string subRole, Table table)
var things = table.CreateInstance<AllThings>();
foreach (var stuff in things)
//code to check if all things in table are viewable
public class AllThings
public string Sequence { get; set; }
public string Things{ get; set; }
However var things = null for both Sequence and Things and i cant figure out why? The table populates fine but I cant assign it to the variable 'things' as it just returns null
Then when it comes to the foreach loop i get a 'System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.''
Also as you are expecting an Enumerable, you have to use CreateSet
and not CreateInstance
So it should look like this:
[Then(@"all things should be viewable for ""(.*)""")]
public void ThenAllThingsShouldBeViewableFor(string subRole, Table table)
var things = table.CreateSet<AllThings>();
foreach (var stuff in things)
//code to check if all things in table are viewable
See docs for this: https://docs.specflow.org/projects/specflow/en/latest/Bindings/Step-Definitions.html#table-or-multi-line-text-arguments