How does Google Cloud Run handle Flask apps with long-running asynchronous code? This scenario doesn't seem to be well documented.
Specifically I want to run something like the below code. What will happen? will it get terminated in-flight if no requests are coming in? Will it run through to completeion and then scale to zero?
def import_vendor_products():
t = Thread(target=import_wtc_products)
response = Response(response=f"Started import_wtc_products", status=202)
response = Response(response=f"import_wtc_products failed", status=500)
return response
Serverless products (Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, App Engine Standard) track available capacity using a heuristic that accounts for CPU, memory, and requests. It also marks apps idle if there are no requests. Background work causes a situation where CPU is being consumed (and the app at large is being utilized), but possibly no requests are reaching the instance. This misalignment in "app busy-ness" can cause poor decisions about the number of instances to create or kill, resulting in behaviors like:
For short running tasks, you can utilize Cloud Tasks along with Cloud Run for asynchronous work as it is designed to work outside of a user or service-to-service request.
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