I have multi-vendor project which some variables should set by admin, For instance when User wants to pay his/her cart, fee should be specify and it defined by admin of system. (And it could be change passing of time.) So what's the best approach for keeping this variables?
I'm running server with Nodejs and I use MongoDB as database.
I have following ideas which has pros and cons in my opinion:
Please aware me if I make a mistake or there is common way which I don't know. (Also I searched for that and I couldn't find any proper keyword : ( )
My approach has been the following:
If the values can be updated by business administrator in normal course of operation - then they should have Admin UI and be stored in the database. Fees are a good example.
If the values hardly ever change; or changed by IT staff - put them in the configuration file. Endpoint of Vendor API, or mail server configuration would go there.