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Syntax of calling a function call inside a component instance

I have two different components: MyComponent and BookDisplay


class MyComponent extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      book: "A"
  updateBook() {
    this.setState({book: "B"})
  render() {
    const {book} = this.state
    return (
      <BookDisplay updateBook = {() => this.updateBook()} book={book} />


const BookDisplay = ({book, updateBook}) => {
  return (
      <Text onPress = {updateBook} >

What I'm currently stuck on after going through various JS, react, and react-native resources is trying to understand the one line calling updateBook on the BookDisplay component

<BookDisplay updateBook={() => this.updateBook()} ... />

Is this written in this manner because updateBook is a function defined in MyComponent and this is how we assign a prop a function? Why is it not updateBook={this.updateBook()} instead?



  • Here you are passing a function to the updateBook prop: <BookDisplay updateBook={() => this.updateBook()} ... />

    But here you are executing the function and passing the result of that function: <BookDisplay updateBook={ this.updateBook()} ... />

    The arrow function also binds the this object to MyComponent.

    Inside the BookDisplay in some point will try to execute his updateBook prop and it is going to be your function