Is it possible to change the colorscheme in Vim when I open a .vim, .htm, .html, .xml or the _vimrc file? (also change colorscheme when I switch to an already open file with above extension)
This is what I want my vim to do:
file = txt or a new (not saved) buffer: colorscheme1 (default colorscheme)
file = vimrc, vim, html, htm: colorscheme2
I noted also that my vim doesn't detect all filetypes.
Text files are not recognized as text file.
If this is not possible would it be possible to switch to another colorscheme and keep it when I restart VIM (without changing something in vimrc)?
Found the solution with an autocmd:
augroup filetype_colorscheme
au BufEnter *
\ if !exists('b:colors_name')
\ | if &ft == "vim" || &ft == "html"
\ | let b:colors_name = 'colorscheme 2'
\ | else
\ | let b:colors_name = 'colorscheme 1'
\ | endif
\ | endif
\ | exe 'colorscheme' b:colors_name
augroup END
still one problem:
above code changes the colorscheme of all files in a split window when I click in a buffer
Is there a way to desactivate (and reactivate) an autocmd using a shortcut key?
You should be able to achieve something close to what you want with the following autocommands:
colo <colourscheme1> "default
autocmd! BufEnter,BufNewFile *.html,*.vim,*xml colo <colourscheme2>
autocmd! BufLeave *.html,*.vim,*xml colo <colourscheme1>
And of course you can modify the list of file extensions as you wish. The colourscheme will be <colourscheme1>
by default, or <colourscheme2>
if you open (or switch to) any of the specified types, and will revert to <colourscheme1>
when you open (or switch to) any other type within a Vim session.
Hope this helps.