I would like to assign a template on my PageLayoutView preview in order to avoid writing HTML on my PHP files and better maintain it. How can i achieve that using TYPO3 10?
I would like to use it for example on the textmedia
content element and add the subheader in.
In order to achieve that, you will have to use the Standalone view. I would write a function which i can call it whenever i want to use it. Normally i would include the function on a Helper Class but for the sake of this answer i will put it on the same class. So lets say we have the textmedia
content element and we want to add fields on the backend Preview.
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\View\StandaloneView;
* Contains a preview rendering for the page module of CType="textmedia"
class TextMediaPreviewRenderer implements PageLayoutViewDrawItemHookInterface
* Preprocesses the preview rendering of a content element of type "textmedia"
* @param \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\PageLayoutView $parentObject Calling parent object
* @param bool $drawItem Whether to draw the item using the default functionality
* @param string $headerContent Header content
* @param string $subheaderContent Subheader content
* @param string $itemContent Item content
* @param array $row Record row of tt_content
public function preProcess(
PageLayoutView &$parentObject,
array &$row
) {
if ($row['CType'] === 'textmedia') {
$standaloneView = $this->getStandAloneConfig();
/*Disable TYPO3's default backend view configuration */
$drawItem = false;
/*Assign all the results to the backend */
'title' => $parentObject->CType_labels[$row['CType']],
'type' => $row['CType'],
'content' => $row,
$itemContent .= $standaloneView->render();
public function getStandAloneConfig()
$standaloneView = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(StandaloneView::class);
return $standaloneView;
What is happening is the following
First, we get the StandAlone configuration. In this configuration (getStandAloneConfig()
) we set the path to where our templates, partials and layouts are. Then we assign the type (html
) and then the name of the template where our preview is going to be built on (PageLayoutView.html
After that we reset everything that TYPO3 writes on the Preview ($drawItem = false;
) so we can write our own.
Last and not least we assign the variables which we are going to use on the HTML file.
Under your_extension/Resources/Private/Backend/Templates/PageLayoutView.html
<html xmlns:f="http://typo3.org/ns/TYPO3/CMS/Fluid/ViewHelpers" data-namespace-typo3-fluid="true">
<f:switch expression="{type}">
<f:case value="textmedia">
<f:render partial="Textmedia" arguments="{_all}"/>
<f:case value="text">
<f:render partial="Text" arguments="{_all}"/>
<f:render partial="Header" arguments="{_all}"/>
I personally use the PageLayoutView.html
as a controller which decides, which partial should be rendered. So i assign the variable {type}
and i render the partial based on its value.
Under your_extension/Resources/Private/Backend/Partials/Textmedia.html
<html xmlns:f="http://typo3.org/ns/TYPO3/CMS/Fluid/ViewHelpers" data-namespace-typo3-fluid="true">
<p><strong class="element_title">{title}</strong></p>
<table class="element_table">
Now you can look what is inside the {content}
variable and render it on your HTML.
If you want to style your Preview you can do the following: Under your ext_tables.php add the following line:
$GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['stylesheet'] = 'EXT:your_extension/Resources/Public/Css/Backend/page-layout-view.css';