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Running total SQL Server query

So far, I have the following SQL Server 2005 query:

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, '2020.11.01', 102) AS d_y_m, CAST('2020-11-01' AS DATETIME) AS dt
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEADD(dd, 1, z.dt), 102) AS d_y_m, DATEADD(dd, 1, z.dt)
WHERE DATEADD(dd, 1, z.dt) <= '2020-11-30')
SELECT x.d_y_m, ISNULL(SUM(y.Total), 0) AS [Invoiced], ISNULL(SUM(FEI.Total), 0) AS [Paid] FROM D x
LEFT JOIN Invoices y ON CONVERT(VARCHAR, y.InvoiceDate, 102) = x.d_y_m
LEFT JOIN Payments AS FEI ON CONVERT(VARCHAR, FEI.PaymentDate, 102) = x.d_y_m
GROUP BY x.d_y_m

How do I add another column (RunningTotal) to the query which sums up the (Invoiced-Paid) result from the previous day to the one for today


d_y_m | Invoiced | Paid | RunningTotal

2020.11.01 | 24 | 5 | 19

2020.11.02 | 45 | 2 | 62

2020.11.03 | 10 | 20 | 52

2020.11.04 | 5 | 0 | 57

2020.11.05 | 0 | 10 | 47


  • Couple remarks on your current solution:

    • Do not use "random" table aliases. D for "dates" makes sense. y for "Invoices" does not. d_y_m does not match your date format either. Keep the table and column aliases meaningful.
    • Do not drag the date conversion through your entire solution. Work with date values as date types and convert the values once in the final select.
    • Do not group the sums of the invoiced and paid amounts in one query. If you have multiple invoices or payments on a single day, then the sums will be incorrect! See the "Extra" section at the bottom for an explanation.
    • Make it easy for us to help you. Next time, please provide sample data that we can copy-paste instead of having to invent our own.
    • SQL Server 2005 is officially unsupported as of April 12, 2016. Time to look for a new version!

    Sample data

    create table Invoices
      InvoiceDate date,
      Total money
    insert into Invoices (InvoiceDate, Total) values
    ('2020-11-01', 20),
    ('2020-11-01',  4),
    ('2020-11-02', 40),
    ('2020-11-02',  5),
    ('2020-11-03', 10),
    ('2020-11-04',  3),
    ('2020-11-04',  2);
    create table Payments
      PaymentDate date,
      Total money
    insert into Payments (PaymentDate, Total) values
    ('2020-11-01',  5),
    ('2020-11-02',  2),
    ('2020-11-03', 10),
    ('2020-11-03', 10),
    ('2020-11-05', 10);


    with DateRange as
      select convert(date, '2020-11-01') as DateValue
      union all
      select dateadd(day, 1, dr.DateValue)
      from DateRange dr
      where dr.DateValue < '2020-11-30'
    InvoicedTotal as
      select dr.DateValue,
             isnull(sum(i.Total), 0) as Invoiced
      from DateRange dr
      left join Invoices i
        on i.InvoiceDate = dr.DateValue
      group by dr.DateValue
    PaidTotal as
      select dr.DateValue,
             isnull(sum(p.Total), 0) as Paid
      from DateRange dr
      left join Payments p
        on p.PaymentDate = dr.DateValue
      group by dr.DateValue
    select convert(varchar(10), dr.DateValue, 102) as [YYYY.MM.DD],
           it.Invoiced as [Invoiced],
           sum(it.Invoiced) over(order by it.DateValue
                                 rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as [CumInvoiced],
           pt.Paid as [Paid],
           sum(pt.Paid) over(order by pt.DateValue
                             rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as [CumPaid],
           sum(it.Invoiced) over(order by it.DateValue
                                 rows between unbounded preceding and current row) -
           sum(pt.Paid) over(order by pt.DateValue
                             rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as [RunningTotal]
    from DateRange dr
    join InvoicedTotal it
      on it.DateValue = dr.DateValue
    join PaidTotal pt
      on pt.DateValue = dr.DateValue
    order by dr.DateValue;


    Only listing the first 10 of the 30 rows for November.

    YYYY.MM.DD Invoiced CumInvoiced Paid    CumPaid RunningTotal
    ---------- -------- ----------- ------- ------- ------------
    2020.11.01  24.0000     24.0000  5.0000  5.0000      19.0000
    2020.11.02  45.0000     69.0000  2.0000  7.0000      62.0000
    2020.11.03  10.0000     79.0000 20.0000 27.0000      52.0000
    2020.11.04   5.0000     84.0000  0.0000 27.0000      57.0000
    2020.11.05   0.0000     84.0000 10.0000 37.0000      47.0000
    2020.11.06   0.0000     84.0000  0.0000 37.0000      47.0000
    2020.11.07   0.0000     84.0000  0.0000 37.0000      47.0000
    2020.11.08   0.0000     84.0000  0.0000 37.0000      47.0000
    2020.11.09   0.0000     84.0000  0.0000 37.0000      47.0000
    2020.11.10   0.0000     84.0000  0.0000 37.0000      47.0000

    Fiddle to see it in action.

    Extra: why not to count both totals in one query.

    Using the same sample data you can run this query to zoom in a particular date, here: 2020-11-01. On this date the sample data has 2 invoices and 1 payment.

    with DateRange as
      select '2020-11-01' as DateValue -- filtering data to explain
    select dr.DateValue,
           isnull(sum(i.Total), 0) as Invoiced,
           isnull(sum(p.Total), 0) as Paid
    from DateRange dr
    left join Invoices i
      on i.InvoiceDate = dr.DateValue
    left join Payments p
      on p.PaymentDate = dr.DateValue
    group by dr.DateValue
    order by dr.DateValue;

    Just executing the joins would give you the result below. Because of the combined left join the payment row is listed twice!

    dr.DateValue | i.Total | p.Total
    ------------ | ------- | -------
    2020-11-01   |      20 |       5
    2020-11-01   |       4 |       5 --> payment row got joined TWICE

    Summing up those rows gives an invalid payment sum for that day.

    group by dr.DateValue | sum(i.Total) | sum(p.Total)
    --------------------- | ------------ | ------------
    2020-11-01            |           24 |           10 --> last sum is WRONG !

    Edit: SQL Server 2005 version with cross apply. But a SQL Server version update is still recommended!

    with DateRange as
      select convert(date, '2020-11-01') as DateValue
      union all
      select dateadd(day, 1, dr.DateValue)
      from DateRange dr
      where dr.DateValue < '2020-11-30'
    InvoicedTotal as
      select dr.DateValue,
             isnull(sum(i.Total), 0) as Invoiced
      from DateRange dr
      left join Invoices i
        on i.InvoiceDate = dr.DateValue
      group by dr.DateValue
    PaidTotal as
      select dr.DateValue,
             isnull(sum(p.Total), 0) as Paid
      from DateRange dr
      left join Payments p
        on p.PaymentDate = dr.DateValue
      group by dr.DateValue
    select convert(varchar(10), dr.DateValue, 102) as [YYYY.MM.DD],
           it1.Invoiced as [Invoiced],
           it3.Invoiced as [CumInvoiced],
           pt1.Paid as [Paid],
           pt3.Paid as [CumPaid],
           it3.Invoiced - pt3.Paid as [RunningTotal]
    from DateRange dr
    join InvoicedTotal it1
      on it1.DateValue = dr.DateValue
    join PaidTotal pt1
      on pt1.DateValue = dr.DateValue
    cross apply ( select sum(it2.Invoiced) as Invoiced
                  from InvoicedTotal it2
                  where it2.DateValue <= dr.DateValue ) it3
    cross apply ( select sum(pt2.Paid) as Paid
                  from PaidTotal pt2
                  where pt2.DateValue <= dr.DateValue ) pt3
    order by dr.DateValue;

    Updated fiddle.