I want to sum the field (total income in January) of all document under the collection name ("januaryi").I tried a function that is not working. Is there any way to call function and show summation in bottom navigation bar.
Flutter Firebase:
class _JanuaryState extends State<January>{
totalmoney() async {
int total = 0;
var snapshot =
await Firestore.instance.collection("Januaryi").getDocuments();
if (snapshot == null){
return 0;
snapshot.documents.foreach((doc) {
total = total + int.parse(doc.data['income']);
return total;
Bottom Navigation Bar:
bottomNavigationBar: Container(
child: ListTile(
title: Text('Total'),
subtitle: Text("${totalmoney()}"),
Showing error in total income:
It is not good practice to change values inside of the build function like you try to do.
You can simply set a totalIncome
variable inside your totalmoney()
function like this:
totalmoney() async{
int total = 0;
var snapshot = await Firestore.instance.collection("Januaryi").getDocuments();
if(snapshot == null)
totalIncome = 0
totalIncome = total;
Then call this method inside your initState()
Replace the ${totalmoney()}
by the new variable $totalIncome
. Dont forget to initialize it at the top of your State Class.
Also, try to format your code inside StackOverflow instead of posting images.