I want to sort a POJO DataSet based on multiple values with therefore Multiple KeySelector Functions:
DataSet<PoJo> data = input
.sortPartition(new KeySelector<PoJo, Integer>() {
public Integer getKey(PoJo element) { return someKeyFromPojo(element); }}, Order.Descending)
.sortPartition(new KeySelector<PoJo, Integer>() {
public Integer getKey(PoJo element) { return anotherKeyFromPojo(element); }}, Order.Ascending);
This yields an "KeySelector cannot be chained" error. According to the Flink Documentation it should be possible to chain sortPartition Functions.
Is there a way to solve this without using Field expressions?
You can chain sortPartition
calls if and only if you use sortPartition(int field, Order order)
or sortPartition(String field, Order order)
. sortPartition(KeySelector<T, K> keyExtractor, Order order)
does not allow chaining.
If you must compute the key, your KeySelector
can return whatever you like, so long as it is hashable and comparable. E.g., a Tuple such as (someKey, anotherKey)