I'm trying to create a rendered file with Terraform's templatefile function.
Here is my code:
variable "prefix" {
default = "k8s"
variable "masters_count" {
default = 2
resource "google_compute_address" "k8s-static-ips" {
name = "${var.prefix}-${count.index}"
count = var.num_k8s_nodes
locals {
ips = {
for k in google_compute_address.k8s-static-ips : k.name => k.address
resource "local_file" "AnsibleInventory" {
content = templatefile("inventory.ini.tmpl",
private = local.ips
prefix = var.prefix
masters_count = var.masters_count
filename = "inventory.ini"
%{ for index, ip in private ~}
${prefix}-${index} ansible_host=${ip}
%{ endfor ~}
%{ for index, ip in private ~}
%{ if index < masters_count ~}${prefix}-${index}%{ endif ~}
%{ endfor ~}
I have the problem that the %{ if index < masters_count ~}
condition does not work, I am getting the Terraform error:
Call to function "templatefile" failed: inventory.ini.tmpl:11,7-12: Invalid
operand; Unsuitable value for left operand: a number is required., and 4 other
Looks like it doesn't know the index variable in the if block. How can I make the comparision of that line possible accessing the index variable?
I solved it differently now.
%{ for index, ip in private ~}
%{ if tonumber(element(split("-",index),1)) < masters_count ~}${index}
%{ endif ~}
%{ endfor ~}