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Can I calculate the geometric mean with django annotation?

Is there a way to use it like



Foo.objects.annotate(geometric_mean=Power(Prod('bars__value'), Count('bars'))


  • You can do something quite similar: you can calculate the average of the natural logarithms:

    from django.db.models import Avg
    from django.db.models.functions import Ln

    then the geometric mean is the exponent of this. If you really need the geometric mean itself, then you can use Exp [Django-doc] on that result:

    from django.db.models import Avg
    from django.db.models.functions import Exp, Ln

    but you do not need this if you for example only want to order by two geometric means, since the exponent leaves the order relation intact: ea≤eb implies a≤b and vice versa.

    This works because ln(x1×x2×…×xn) is equivalent to ln(x1)+ln(x2)+…+ln(xn), and ln(xy) is equivalent to y×ln(x).