ls | ruby -ne 'BEGIN{a= []}; a << File.size($_.chomp).to_i; END{puts a.sum}'
The code above gets the file size of each file, puts it into an array, and prints the sum.
The value returned is very different from:
du -ach
And both values are very different from the Total displayed by:
ls -al
There are no hidden files.
If du
is showing you a lot of 4K and 8K files, this is because it is showing you the block size. For performance, storage on disk is made up of blocks. A typical block these days is 4K. Even a single byte will take a full block.
$ echo '1' > this
$ hexdump this
0000000 31 0a
$ ls -l this
-rw-r--r-- 1 schwern staff 2 Dec 5 15:16 this
$ du -h this
4.0K this
$ du --apparent-size -h this
2 this
$ ruby -e 'puts File.size(ARGV[0])' this
The file in question has 2 bytes of content. ls -l
and File.size
report the content of two bytes.
, by default, reports the block size of the file. This is because it is a Disk Usage tool and you want to know the true amount of disk taken up. Those 2 bytes take up 4K of disk. 1000 2 byte files will take 4000K, not 2000 bytes.
For this reason, many programs will avoid having many tiny files and instead save disk space by packing them together into a single image file. A simple example is Git packfiles.