According to Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Authority :
This plugin adds the authority data to your distribution. It adds the data to your modules and metadata. Normally it looks for the PAUSE author id in your Dist::Zilla configuration.
What is the "authority data" used for? Why is it added to all the modules?
In Raku, a module (actually any type) can have attributes :ver<>
, :auth<>
and :api<>
. This allows you to pass it a version, author, and/or API number, which you can subsequently introspect.
class C:ver<4.2.3>:auth<github:jane>:api<1> {}
say C.^auth; # OUTPUT: «github:jane»
In Perl, the authority of a package can be defined like this:
package MyApp;
The authority should be an URI identifying the person, team, or organisation responsible for the release of the package. The pseudo-URI scheme cpan:
is the most commonly used identifier.
package variable can be used together with the authority pragma to load a module conditionally based on its authority:
use authority 'cpan:JOE', My::Module => qw();
Assuming that the @INC
path is /opt/perl/lib
, then Perl will attempt to load /opt/perl/lib/cpan_3A_JOE/My/
before it tries the usual /opt/perl/lib/My/
Also having a defined $AUTHORITY
, enables module authority introspection with UNIVERSAL::AUTHORITY::Lexical. For example:
warn "Closely intertwined modules with different authors!\n";
warn "There may be trouble ahead...";
# Only trust STEVAN's releases
Moose->AUTHORITY('cpan:STEVAN'); # dies if doesn't match
See also our $AUTHORITY for the original discussion on this variable.