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Time out when trying to connect to AWS DocumentDB from local NodeJS app

I am trying to connect to DynamoDB from my local NodeJS app. My configuration is as follows:


const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require("path")

const connectDatabase = (mongoDbUrl) => {
    mongoose.connect(mongoDbUrl, {
        useNewUrlParser: true,
        useUnifiedTopology: true,
        ssl: true,
        sslValidate: false,
        sslCA: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../config/rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem'))



I felt it had something to do with security group inbound rules so I have added it to allow inbound from all protocols and all ports on my security group but it still won't work. It's even more confusing since I am able to connect to it from my AWS Cloud9 instance.

The error I get is MongooseServerSelectionError: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND. It means it is unable to connect to the database at all.


  • For security reasons, there is no way to open access to documentsdb cluster from outside, except through ssh tunnel. See AWS doc.