I have a text file and i inserted all words to the hash table with insert method, and then i did find method that suppose to return number of occurrence of word written but it does not return anything, what can be wrong. So if the word in the if condition it enteres it, but i am not sure how to correctly return value variable
You're most of the way there and just need a small fix and a small change.
First a the fix. In HashNode
class HashNode
string key;
int value;// constuctor accepts and assigns an int, not a string
HashNode(string key, int value)
this->key = key;
this->value = value;
friend class HashTable; // not much point to friendship when the class
// is entirely public
This change becomes really important later because now in insert
we can
void insert(string key)
int value=1; //start with a count of 1.
int index = hashCode(key) % this->capacity;
for (list<HashNode>::iterator it = buckets[index].begin();
it != buckets[index].end();
if (it->key == key)
it->value++; // count another instance
// rest unchanged
Now we have a count we can display for each word in the hash table. All we have to do is add a function or two so we can display it.