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Copy an image bit by bit C++

I recently found some documentation on file open modes in C++ and, using ios_base::binary, tried to open an image (.JPG), read the bits one by one, and write them in a separate file (ofstream) with a .JPG extension. The problem is that I get an error when trying to open the newly created image: Error interpreting JPEG file. Any help ?


int main()
    char a;
    std::ifstream fin {"image.jpg", std::ios_base::binary};
    std::ofstream fout {"uzicopied.jpg", std::ios_base::binary};
    while (true)
        if (!(fin >> a) || !fin) break;
        fout << a;
    return 0;


  • fin >> a skips whitespace, even if the file is opened in binary mode. Use get instead. You can also simplify your while loop.

    char a;
    while (fin.get(a))
        fout.put(a);   // fout << a; would also work