I'm trying to follow the procedures here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/azure-data-studio/tutorial-qds-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver15 to add the 5 slowest queries to the database dashboard, everything is going fine, but somehow the system is concatenating twice the folder path and therefore showing me this error:
Could not find query file at any of the following paths : /Applications/Azure Data Studio.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/insights-default/Applications/Azure Data Studio.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/insights-default/sql/qds_detail.sql
I searched in what's supposed to be the "right" directory /Applications/Azure Data Studio.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/insights-default/sql/qds_detail.sql and I can see both the qds.sql and qds_details.sql but because of this wrong path concatenating, Azure Data Studio cannot find the file.
I'm pretty new using this and I wonder if there's some other setting (or JSON) I can change to make the app to point the right directory.
As additional information, please note that I have SQL Server 2017 and it's running in a Docker Container in the same machine running the Azure Data Studio (because there's no MSSQL Server for Mac)
Old but try saving the script in local folder. Worked for me. Ended up looking like:
"queryFile": "C:/SQL2019/activeSession.sql",
"details": {
"queryFile": "C:/SQL2019/activeSessionDetail.sql",
"label": "SID",
"value": "Login Name"