I'm trying to wipe sensitive history commands daily off my server via Laravel scheduler
When I run this code:
$schedule->exec(`for h in $(history | grep mysql | awk '{print $1-N}' | tac) ; do history -d $h ; done; history -d $(history | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}') ; history`)->{$interval}()->emailOutputTo($email)->environments('prod');
I get this error:
⚡️ app2020 php artisan schedule:run
Undefined variable: h
at app/Console/Kernel.php:44
Noted that this is a perfect working command
for h in $(history | grep mysql | awk '{print $1-N}' | tac) ; do history -d $h ; done; history -d $(history | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}') ; history
Note: I know I can achieve it by adding the command above to the crontab, but the goal is to keep all cron activities organize in the Laravel project
Since bash and PHP use $
for their variable, how would one go above and make similar bash command works ?
You're wrapping your command in backticks, which will both interpolate variables and execute the value as a command. You want neither of these things.
Use single quotes to build the command, and then pass it to exec()
$cmd = 'for h in $(history | grep mysql | awk \'{print $1-N}\' | tac) ;';
$cmd .= ' do history -d $h ;';
$cmd .= 'done;';
$cmd .= 'history -d $(history | tail -1 | awk \'{print $1}\') ;';
$cmd .= 'history';
For a somewhat more efficient approach, you might try just editing the history file directly.
$cmd = 'sed -i /mysql/d "$HOME/.bash_history"';
There's no need to erase the last entry in the file, as it's a history of interactive shell commands.
Obviously the best thing to do would be not putting "sensitive" things in the command line. For MySQL, this can be done by adding credentials to the .my.cnf