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Navigate to PPT Slide by its ID or Name instead of Number

ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.GotoSlide x requires us to enter the slide number, which is varying. If I refer it to Slide Number 3 and then move the position of Slide 3, the code wouldn't refer to that slide anymore.

How do I overcome this by referring to the SlideID or SlideName instead of Slide Number.

Thank you.


  • If I understand the question correctly, you want to be able to go to a particular slide in the presentation regardless of where it may appear in the presentation (ie because other slides have been added before it or it's been moved to a different position).

    If so, you could tag the presentation with the slide's SlideID:

    ActivePresentation.Tags.Add "IndexSlide", Cstr(lSlideID)

    (where IndexSlide is any convenient name you've assigned to the slide; you can have multiple tags for different slides you want to track. And lSlideID is, of course, the slide's SlideID

    You'd need to write a function to retrieve the slide's SlideIndex, given the SlideID and call it like so (aircode ... you might have to move/remove a paren or two):

    ActivePresentationSlideShowWindow.View.GoToSlide ( _

    This gets the tag named IndexSlide from the presentation which is the SlideID of IndexSlide, converts it to a Long (tags are strings), passes it to your SlideIndexFromSlideID function, which returns the slide's current SlideIndex ... for you to GoToSlide with.

    [Later: adding the needed function for returning SlideIndex]

    Function SlideIndexFromSlideID(lSlideID As Long) As Long
      SlideIndexFromSlideID = ActivePresentation.Slides.FindBySlideID(lSlideID).SlideIndex
    End Function