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How can I create a symbolic link that depends on other files?

I know my topic is a little confusing, but here is what I want to do.

I have a file which I would like to create a link to in my home directory ~/bin, but when I execute the file that is symbolically linked, the file requires another file in its directory. Therefore, it fails to run because it cannot find the other file. What can I do?


  • Well, you have two simple solutions.

    1. edit the shell script to point to the absolute path of the file, not just the the basename.

      ./path/to/ VS

      so something like this should do what your after. sed -i 's||./path/to/|g' ~/bin/ it searches your symlinked file, in this case, and replaces the call to to ./path/to/ note you often see sed use /'s. but it can use just about anything as a delimiter, if you wish to use /'s here you will need to escape them. /. you may want to consider escaping the . (period) as well, but in this case its not necessary. If you are new to sed realize that the -i flag means it will edit the file in place. Lastly, realize its a simple search and replace operation and you may chose to do it by hand.

    2. The second way is to create a ln -s to the file as you did with the other file so there exists a symbolic link between both files.

      ln -s /far/off/ ~/bin/


      ln -s /far/off/ ~/bin/

    more on symlinking