I have a spring security app. When i try to log out via my angular front-end, I will get a 404 (Not found).
I have tried many spring WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter configurations, and i get a 404 with all of them. I am using POST to make my request.(see below)
logout() {
this.http.post('/logout', "").pipe(
finalize(() => {
Using Postman, i get a 403 (forbidden) when trying to reach the resource
In fact what you need is just to add a logout success handler
public class LogoutSuccess implements LogoutSuccessHandler {
public void onLogoutSuccess(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, Authentication authentication)
throws IOException, ServletException {
if (authentication != null && authentication.getDetails() != null) {
try {
// you can add more codes here when the user successfully logs
// out,
// such as updating the database for last active.
} catch (Exception e) {
e = null;
and add a success handler to your security config
or you can also try this :
logout() {
finalize(() => {