I have a 3D plot with the option:
set view map
And I would like to add a vertical line from (30,0) to (30,20), I tried:
set arrow from 30,0 to 30,20 nohead lc rgb 'red'
splot 'data.csv' using 1:2:3 with pm3d
But I don't see any line, what am I doing wrong ?
This is the image on which I would like to add the vertical line
The "trick" is front
. Check help layers
### arrow on top of map view
reset session
set view map
set arrow 1 from 50,0 to 50,20 nohead lc rgb 'red' front
set xrange[0:140]
set yrange[0:20]
splot x*y/3000 w pm3d notitle
### end of code