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(regex,sed) How to append erased word after erasing word

What I want to change


What I want to make


I want to pick up all dots ("."), and Want to append to end of the line.
If there is no dot (".") in the line, Then It just print the line.

I can erase dot in the line which have dots. But I can't append dot to end of the line under this condition (/\.:/).

$ echo /usr/local:.:/bin | sed -r -e "/\.:/s/(\.:)//g"

How can I append erased word after I erase word, only with the sedcommand?


  • You can use

    sed -r -e 's/(.+)\.:/.:\1/' -e 's/(.)\.:/\1/g' -e 's/\.:(.+)/\1:./' <<< "$s"
    # => /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:.  

    See the online demo


    • s/(.+)\.:/.:\1/ finds a .: substring anywhere in your string and move the .: found to the start of the string
    • s/(.)\.:/\1/g removes all non-initial .: char combinations in the string and then
    • s/^\.:(.+)/\1:./ removes the .: at the start of the string and pastes :. at the end.