I have followed the default installation guide of Jitsi, and it works fine using Chrome browser. However, if I use Firefox, the video nor audio is transmitted to the other side and they both view a black screen. However, for meet.jit.si it works fine. Is there a config that I missed in the installation?
The only error in firefox is:
[JitsiMeetJS.js] <getGlobalOnErrorHandler>: UnhandledError: null Script: null Line: null Column: null StackTrace: DOMException: AudioContext.createMediaStreamSource: Connecting AudioNodes from AudioContexts with different sample-rate is currently not supported. Logger.js:154:22
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: AudioContext.createMediaStreamSource: Connecting AudioNodes from AudioContexts with different sample-rate is currently not supported. lib-jitsi-meet.min.js:1
The problem in my case was JVB service couldn't start. Diagnosis:
In the log of JVB ( /var/log/jitsi/jvb.log):
2020-11-17 17:01:55.470 SEVERE: [18] Health.doRun#300: Health check failed in 0ms:
java.lang.Exception: Failed to bind single-port
at org.jitsi.videobridge.health.Health.doCheck(Health.java:143)
at org.jitsi.videobridge.health.Health.doRun(Health.java:266)
at org.jitsi.utils.concurrent.PeriodicRunnableWithObject.run(PeriodicRunnableWithObject.java:87)
at org.jitsi.utils.concurrent.RecurringRunnableExecutor.run(RecurringRunnableExecutor.java:216)
at org.jitsi.utils.concurrent.RecurringRunnableExecutor.runInThread(RecurringRunnableExecutor.java:292)
at org.jitsi.utils.concurrent.RecurringRunnableExecutor.access$000(RecurringRunnableExecutor.java:36)
at org.jitsi.utils.concurrent.RecurringRunnableExecutor$1.run(RecurringRunnableExecutor.java:328)
The problem can be resolved by either following solutions
stopping the service using the port 10000 (in my case it was Webmin)
changin the port of JVB by editting the following line in /etc/jitsi/videobridge/sip-communicator.properties